Company information according to § 5 para. 1 E-commerce law
Eurotours Ges.m.b.H.
Kirchberger Str. 8
A-6370 Kitzbühel
Telefon: +43 (0)5356 606 0
Telefax: +43 (0)5356 606 6
Company registration: 45507 Y
Registered court of justice: Commercial court of Innsbruck
UID: ATU 31931808
Executive Board:
Helga Freund (CEO)
Martin Winkler (CFO)
Österreichische Verkehrsbüro AG (100%, its shareholders AVZ-Holding GmbH (60,98%), Vienna Insurance Group (36,58%), Toth Privatstiftung (2,44 %))
Eurotours Ges.m.b.H. strives to permanently update its website and to present the contents fully and correctly. However the occurrence of mistakes cannot be ruled out completely. Eurotours Ges.m.b.H. cannot be held liable for the up-to-date status of the information, the correctness of the contents or the extent of the information which appear on its website, unless the mistakes are with intent or a result of gross negligence. This applies to any damages (material or intangible) which a third party may suffer as a result of using this website.
Data protection
If the provision of personal details (e-mail address, name, address, etc.) is required anywhere on the internet site, then this is by choice. Eurotours expressly states that this information will not be given to a third party.
Legal validity
This disclaimer of liability is part of the internet website of Eurotours Ges.m.b.H. Provided that the single phrases or parts of this text no longer or no longer completely correspond with the prevailing legal situation, the rest of this declaration remains unaffected.